2025 Call for papers

  • All registrars, clinicians, educators and scientists are invited to submit abstracts of their scientific research in the field of orthopaedics for consideration for a podium or poster presentation at the 2025 SAOA congress. 1- 4 September 2025.
  • Podium Presentations will be in-person only.
  • The closing date for submissions is 15 May 2025.

Abstract Guidelines

The SAOA will endeavour to publish all abstracts of podium presentations online on the The Bone & Joint’s Orthopaedic Proceedings platform.

  • Abstracts should be in English, no more than 300 words in length
  • Do not use headings (such as ” introduction / methods / results”), provide the relevant information as paragraphs without headings.
  • State the aims of the study or a description of the problem being analysed.
  • Provide a concise outline of the research methodology that was followed, such as the study design, inclusion/exclusion criteria, data collection and analysis strategies that were employed.
  • Provide a clear description of the findings.
  • Conclude with a short statement on the possible significance and/or clinical implications of the main findings.

Example abstract:


Reduction in tumour volume following chemotherapy may in part be due to necrosis of neoplastic cells, reduction of the supporting stroma or resolution of tumour-induced inflammation.   We analyzed the CT/MRI scans and histology of 50 patients with Ewing’s sarcoma of the bone treated between 1983 and 1993 to determine the correlation between change in tumour volume and tumour necrosis following chemotherapy; and determine the influence of tumour necrosis and change in tumour volume on prognosis.  The mean age was 18 years (range 5 to 40 years), and 40 of the tumours were located in the extremities, and ten centrally.  The volume at diagnosis varied from 31 ml to 1790 ml.

There was a negative correlation between observed change in volume and necrosis (r = 0.73, p = 0.0001).  Tumour progression, despite chemotherapy, was only seen in those with less than 60% necrosis.  The relapse-free survival and overall survival were 71% and 78%, respectively, for those with more than 90% necrosis, and 37% and 59%, respectively, for those with less than 90% necrosis (p = < 0.05).  Though the outcome in patients with more than 40% tumour volume reduction was better than those with less than 40% reduction, this did not reach statistical significance.  We found no relationship between tumour volume and serum lactate dehydrogenase levels at diagnosis.  Patient’s weight, sex, body mass index and tumour site did not affect change in tumour volume following chemotherapy or the observed tumour necrosis.

We conclude that change in tumour volume is a good predictor of chemotherapy-induced necrosis and that necrosis is a strong prognostic factor in Ewing’s sarcoma of the bone.

  • Please avoid referring to authors, hospital, institution or city names in the abstract as these will be undergoing blinded review.
  • Please do not include any figures or references in the abstract. If you have to use abbreviations, please provide the abbreviation in brackets after the first use of the full term.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed and published as received. Typing and errors will not be corrected. It remains the responsibility of the authors to ensure that all information is accurate and that the language and presentation is of acceptable standard.
  • Abstracts submitted in an incorrect format will not be considered for publication.
  • The authors of submissions are responsible for ensuring that all the necessary ethical requirements for the research were complied with.

Important information

  • Submissions eligible for GT du Toit Award need to be indentified as such.
  • Presenters will be notified of acceptance/rejection of the abstract via e-mail
  • Abstract submissions will be reviewed and confirmed as either:
    • Podium / Free Paper Presentation (5minute presentation), or
    • Poster (E-Posters)
  • Papers not accepted for oral presentation may be considered for poster and authors will be advised regarding the change. Authors of poster submissions will have the opportunity to present their poster during the poster session at the congress.
  • Presenters of papers must be registered as delegates for the conference and pay the associated delegate registration fee. Failure to do so will result in their paper being removed from the programme. Presenters will be notified as soon as delegate registration opens.
  • Only on-line abstract submissions will be considered.
  • By submitting the abstract you grant permission to the SAOA to publish the abstract.

2025 Abstract Submission Categories

During the submissions process you will be asked to indicate to which category you would like to submit. The options are:

  • Arthroplasty
  • Foot & Ankle
  • General
  • Hands
  • Hip Arthroscopy
  • Infection
  • Knees
  • Oncology and Limb preservation
  • Paediatrics
  • Shoulder & Elbow
  • Spine
  • Trauma

Online Abstract submission process

Here’s a short step-by-step guide:

  • Click on the Abstract submission button at the bottom of this page
  • Complete your details on the sign-up page
  • You will receive an e-mail with the link to log-in
  • Log in with the username and password you created
  • Click on “My Abstracts” at the top bar of the screen
  • Then click on “Add abstract”
  • If you are a reviewer, click on “My Review List” at the top bar of the screen to see what is waiting for your score.

Should you require assistance with the Abstract submission process, please contact Refiloe at admin@saoa.org.za.

GT du Toit Award for best registrar research paper

  • This award is awarded annually to one registrar or recently qualified specialist from a South African training institution who served as the lead investigator and primary author of the work while they were a registrar.
  • All supervisors and co-authors need to listed.
  • In order to qualify for the Award the applicant has to be a member of the SAOA.
  • Research that was not primarily performed by the registrar is not eligible for the award. The research must be original, narrative reviews will not be eligible for the award.
  • The research work must have been initiated while the nominee was still a registrar. Considering that the work may require completion after the nominee has registered as an Orthopaedic surgeon – the completed work may be presented in consideration for the G.T. du Toit prize within one year of such specialist registration.
  • CLICK HERE to submit the online declaration form if you qualify and should you wish your abstract to be considered for the GT Du Toit Prize