Dr Felix H (Buddy) Savoie
American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons
F. P. Fouche lecture
Dr Felix H (Buddy) Savoie
American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons
F. P. Fouche lecture
Prof Chris Morrey
Australian Orthopaedic
G. T. Du Toit lecture
Prof Robert Dunn
South African
Orthopaedic Association
J. J. Craig lecture
Dr Felix H (Buddy) Savoie
American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons
F. P. Fouche lecture
Dr. Felix H. “Buddy” Savoie is an internationally-recognized expert in the areas of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery and Sports Medicine. Dr. Savoie came to the Tulane University School of Medicine in 2007 after Hurricane Katrina to take on the mantle of Professor of Clinical Orthopaedics, Chief of the Division of Sports Medicine, and Director of the Tulane Institute of Sports Medicine. In July 2015, he was named Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics, and in January 2016 he was named the Ray J. Haddad Professor of Orthopaedics. Many of his patients travel to New Orleans from other parts of the country, and they include professional, college, and high school athletes, and non-athletes as well.
An established, well-known leader in Orthopaedics, Shoulder & Elbow Surgery, and Arthroscopy, Dr. Savoie was the 2022-23 President of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). He was the 2016-17 President of the American Shoulder and Elbow Society, President of the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA), and President of the Orthopaedic Learning Center. He was the 2016 President of the Louisiana Orthopaedic Association. He has served on the Boards of Directors of AANA and the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS). He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM). He serves on the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association.
Dr. Savoie is Board-certified in Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine. A graduate of the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans, he completed his internship and residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. His added training in multiple fellowships in sports medicine and arthroscopy were at the Medical College of Wisconsin and the Mayo Clinic, an A-O International Fellowship in Basil, Switzerland, at Orthopaedic Research of Richmond, VA, and at Fowler Kennedy Sports Medicine in London, Ontario.
Dr. Savoie sees patients at the Tulane Institute of Sports Medicine and Sports Medicine Plus.
Prof Chris Morrey
Australian Orthopaedic
G. T. Du Toit lecture
Chris Morrey is currently the President of the Australian Orthopaedic Association. Chris is a general orthopaedic surgeon who has worked in both public and private practice in North Queensland for over 20 years. After completion of his orthopaedic training, he undertook a year of pelvic and acetabular trauma and spinal surgery in Bristol UK and completed a fellowship in Ilizarov reconstruction in Lecco Italy. In 2022 Chris was appointed as an Associate Professor at James Cook University in department of Medicine and Dentistry.
Chris has been a member of AO Trauma for over 20 years. He is a past chairperson of AO Trauma Asia Pacific and Vice Chairperson of AO Trauma International. He has taught on many AO trauma courses as well as chairing many pelvic and acetabular courses both in the Asia Pacific region and in Europe and the USA. He is also an examiner for the RACS fellowship exam in orthopaedics, a reviewer for the Journal of Orthopaedics and Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery and a member of the Australian Trauma Society.
He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds a board position for AFL Cape York. He is a founder of Adept IME , a medicolegal company. Chris has also been involved with the Cairns Taipans basketball team, was the doctor for the WNBL during Covid pandemic and has provided orthopaedic medical support to visiting AFL and women’s Australian basketball teams.
Chris also enjoys his family life in Cairns with wife Marilla and they have 4 adult children, a daughter in law and several partners. He is an avid sports watcher particularly of AFL football, rugby union and basketball.
Prof Robert Dunn
South African
Orthopaedic Association
J. J. Craig lecture
Has practiced as a orthopaedic spine surgeon in both private and public sectors for the last 20 years following under- and postgraduate training at the University of Cape Town and 18 month clinical spine fellowship in London. The fellowship allowed a diverse exposure in all areas of spine surgery at the University College of London group of hospitals including the Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queens Square, Great Ormond Street, The Middlesex and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital.
Prof Dunn manages most spine pathologies and performs surgeries of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions via anterior and posterior approaches as appropriate. He has a particular interest and experience in spinal deformity both in adult sagittal imbalance and paediatric scoliosis.
He has performed over 4 500 spine surgeries as a consultant and one of the few nationally performing spine pedicle subtraction osteotomies and vertebral column resections.
In 2012 he was appointed to the prestigious Pieter Moll and Nuffield chair of Orthopaedic Surgery as the head of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Cape Town and continues to run the services at Groote Schuur and Red Cross Children’s Hospitals.
He is well published with over 100 peer reviewed publications, the details of which can be accessed here. He frequently lectures at national and international meetings in scientific sessions and invited keynote lectures including the SAOA FP Fouche, SA Spine Founders and Terblanche lectures.
He is involved with many associated organisations having been SA Spine President, SAOA EXCO member and currently 2nd VP, College of Medicine Treasurer, Board member and orthopaedic college president. He is also a Scoliosis Research Society and AOSpine member, having served on their committees.
He established the Groote Schuur Acute Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Red Cross Children’s Hospital spinal deformity service.
In 2005 he started a Cape Town based spine fellowship and has trained 24 surgeons so far who have gone on to become leaders in their own right nationally and internationally. His teaching was recently recognized with the UCT Distinguished teachers award competing with all university faculty.
Despite his involvement in all these areas, his passion is clinical spine practice, interacting with patients and improving their quality of life with appropriate surgery simultaneously training and mentoring junior staff to ensure sustainable high level spine care.
Dr Ann van Heest
American Orthopaedic
Mr Haemish Crawford
New Zealand
Orthopaedic Association
Prof Deborah Eastwood
British Orthopaedic
Dr Laurie Hiemstra
Canadian Orthopaedic
Dr Ann van Heest
American Orthopaedic
Ann Van Heest MD is Professor and Vice Chair of Education in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Van Heest trained at the University of Minnesota for medical school and orthopedic surgery residency, followed by completion of the Harvard Hand and Upper extremity fellowship.
Dr. Van Heest presently serves in a number of national leadership positions. She is presently the President-elect for the American Orthopedic Association (AOA), a Director at the ABOS, and a member of the ACGME orthopedic RRC. She is past president of Ruth Jackson Orthopedic Society, and on the BOD for Perry Initiative.
Dr. Van Heest has a strong interest in orthopedic education. She served as the University of Minnesota Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program Director for over 20 years. She also has over 20 publications on orthopedic surgery education, with a focus on innovations in surgical simulation. At the University of MN, Dr. Van Heest was the 2016 resident teacher of the year and 2015 hand fellowship teacher of the year, the 2011 University of Minnesota Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate Education. In 2022, Dr. Van Heest received the University of Minnesota GME Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Van Heest is the 2010 recipient of the ACGME Parker J Palmer Courage to Teach Award (only two orthopedic surgeons have gotten this award). She is the 2018 AOA Distinguished Clinical Educator Award (only female ever to get this award).
Dr. Van Heest endorses collaboration within the house of orthopedics for establishment of competency based medical education in the United States.
In her clinical practice, Dr. Van Heest sees patients at the University Of Minnesota Medical Center, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare and Shriners Clinic for Children. Her academic interests include congenital disorders of the pediatric hand and upper extremity, neuromuscular disorders, and storage disease disorders,. She is co-founder of the Pediatric Hand Study Group and a member of Congenital Hand Anomalies Study Group.
She is married to Greg Van Heest, and has two children, Tyler who is an ENT resident at U of MN, married to Katy with son Theodore; and Elizabeth who works for Medtronic. She enjoys skiing, tennis, and yoga (when she has spare time).
Prof Hamish Crawford
New Zealand Orthopaedic
Has specialized in hip arthroscopy since 1999 and has helped pioneer this procedure in New Zealand. He has presented papers at conferences on the technique and is very active in continuing research in both clinical outcomes of this procedure and basic science.
Dr Crawford is a “cradle to grave” hip surgeon who has a paediatric orthopaedic position at the Starship Children’s Hospital and performs his adult arthroscopy and joint replacement surgery at the MercyAscot hospital in Auckland. He has post graduate fellowship training in sports surgery and joint replacement and revision surgery from the University of Western Ontario, Canada (1997- 1998) and paediatric surgery at University of Iowa, USA (1998 – 1999).
Dr Crawford has performed over 350 hip arthroscopies and the procedures carried out are:
Prof Deborah Eastwood
British Orthopaedic
I became fascinated by growth and function during my medical student days and grew up to become a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon. I work at two Institutions; one centred on the care of the child and the other, on the care of patients with musculoskeletal problems. This split lifestyle gives an added dimension to my work and an added understanding of the challenges that colleagues face in different hospitals within our single NHS.
I try to juggle the three facets of UK consultant practice namely clinical work, research and teaching with some medical management and national/international commitments thrown into the mix. I am currently Clinical Lead and ‘Head of Research’ for our department at the RNOH. I am an Associate Professor at University College London and am very proud to have been recognized by trainees for my commitment to training. I am a member of the Council of Management for the Bone and Joint Publishing house and a past president of EPOS.
My role as BOA President means I am at the forefront of ‘Caring for patients, Supporting surgeons and Transforming lives’ and involved in re-establishing our elective orthopaedic programmes whilst developing and maintaining innovative and sustainable solutions for training, research and clinical care with diversity, inclusion and engagement at the forefront of our plans.
The BOA themes for Congress in September are Sustainable Systems and Engagement.
In my ‘spare’ time, I enjoy London life!
Dr Laurie Hiemstra
Canadian Orthopaedic
Dr Hiemstra is a Fellowship trained orthopaedic surgeon working in Banff, Canada. She holds an Associate Professor appointment at the University of Calgary. The clinical and research program in Banff is focused on knee ligament injury, prevention of secondary injury, rehabilitation and surgical outcomes with an emphasis on ACL injury and reconstruction and patellofemoral instability. Laurie is on the Board of Directors of the Patellofemoral Foundation, Banff Sport Medicine Foundation, Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) and the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS). Laurie has published over 75 peer reviewed papers and is a national and international speaker.
Laurie obtained her Medical Degree from the Memorial University of Newfoundland, completed an orthopaedic residency at the University of Manitoba, and a Clinical Fellowship in Orthopedic Sport Medicine at the University of Western Ontario. She also attained a PhD in Neuromuscular Physiology. Laurie has worked as an Orthopaedic Surgeon at Banff Sport Medicine since 2005. Her clinical focus is on patellofemoral instability and ACL reconstruction.
Laurie is an active member of many sport medicine organizations including the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA), the Arthroscopy Association of Canada (AAC), International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee and Orthopedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS), European Society for Sport Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA), the American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine (AOSSM), and the International Patellofemoral Study Group.
Dr. Hiemstra has a keen interest in gender diversity and inclusion in orthopaedic surgery. She is the chair of the Gender Diversity and Inclusion Task Force for both the COA and for ISAKOS. She is a founding member of the International Orthopaedic Diversity Alliance (IODA) and Women in Orthopaedics Worldwide (WOW)
Prof Emmanuel Thienpont
Prof. Emmanuel Thienpont is the Head of Knee Surgery and Sportsmedicine at the Saint Luc University Hospital in Brussels, Belgium in a department of 17 surgeons. He is the associate chief of surgery.
He has the lead over a knee team of 6 surgeons, residents and fellows. He was trained as an orthopaedic surgeon at KU Leuven and in several high-quality surgery centers around the world.
He has an Executive MBA from the LSM Business School and holds a PhD from Gent University. His PhD was about alignment in knee arthroplasty.
He is an executive committee member of the European Knee Society. He is an international member of the American Knee Society and the President of CAOS Belgium. He is an AAOS instructional lecturer and moderator and has presented at the Current Concepts in Joint Replacement.
He is the author of more than 120 peer-reviewed papers, about 10 editorials and has written around 20 book chapters, including two in the last edition of the Insall Scott book on Knee Surgery. He is the editor of a book on ‘Improving Accuracy in Total Knee Arthroplasty’ that covers the concepts of accuracy enabling technologies, as well as his recent books ‘Current opinions about unicompartmental knee arthroplasty’ and ‘Alignment in Knee Arthroplasty’. He is specialized in knee surgery and focuses on knee arthroplasty and selective resurfacing in arthritic patients with unicompartmental replacements.
He is the chairman of the bi-annual iconic meeting THE Partial Knee Meeting, which will be held again in Belgium in 2024 (www.partialkneemeeting.com).
Prof Joachim Grifka
Germany, SAKS
Prof. MD Joachim Grifka is an orthopedic surgeon with 31+ years of
His clinical interest includes sports medicine, pediatric orthopedics,
knee replacement surgery and joint replacement surgery.
After graduation, he did post-graduation from the renowned university
of Germany.
Dr. Grifka did specialty training in orthopedics under renowned doctors
of Germany.
He is a member of many prestigious medical organizations.
He has many publications to his credit in peer-reviewed journals.
Since May 2000, Director of Orthopedic Surgery, University Regensburg
TRICARE EUROPE is a Provider for the U.S. Government
Special qualifications / diplomas
Special orthopaedic surgery,
Trauma surgery,
Sports medicine,
Special pain treatment,
Physical therapy,
Pediatric orthopaedic’s
Medical specialist for physical therapy and treatment of rehabilitation,
Fellow of the European Board of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Reviewer of Orthopedics.(EBOT)
Prof Andreas Imhoff
Germany, SAKS
Prof. Andreas Imhoff graduated from Basel University in 1980. He started his residency in General Surgery and Traumatology in Davos, Switzerland under the guidance of Prof.Peter Matter and in General surgery, Traumatology and Knee surgery on the University Hospital Bruderholz-Basel under the guidance of Prof. Werner Müller in 1982. He completed his Orthopedic Residency at the Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zurich under the direction of Prof. Adam Schreiber, Prof. Hans Zollinger, Prof. Christian Gerber between 1983 and 1996, after 1987 as a head of different departments for knee, shoulder and sports medicine. A one year exchange fellowship brought him to the department of orthopedic surgery in the Center of Sports Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA under the direction of Prof. Freddie Fu, Prof. Jon J.P. Warner, Prof. Chris Harner but also at the Musculoskeletal Research Center, University of Pittsburgh under the direction of Professor Savio L.-Y. Woo between 1994 and 1995.
He was elected as a Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Arthroscopy at the faculty Medical school and faculty School of Sport Science and Health, Technical University Munich to serve as director and chairman
of the Department of Orthopedic Sports Medicine since 1996.Prof. Imhoff is an active member of the AGA (German Society of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery) who has now 5000 members. He was a founder in 1983,
congress chairman 1999, president 2000-2003, general secretary and now still member of the executive board. He also was again congress chairman 2017.
He serves as an editor of journals like Arthroscopy, Operative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (OOT), Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (JSES), Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (KSSTA), American
Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM) and Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine (OAJSM) as an editor in chief.
Mr James Robinson
Mr James Robinson is an experienced and skilled specialist knee surgeon with a demonstrated international reputation. His NHS practice is based at the Avon Orthopaedic Centre in Bristol – the tertiary referral centre for complex knee problems in the South West where he runs weekly Knee Injury Clinics. He has particular interest in arthroscopic “key-hole” surgery, ligament reconstruction, partial knee replacement as well as cartilage and meniscus repair and the treatment of early arthritis. He is often referred complex cases from around the region and has been invited to demonstrate surgery in Europe, Asia and North America. He is regularly invited to lecture and teach around the world. This has given him an invaluable exposure to the latest evidence and state-of -the-art treatments.
James is a past winner of the British Association of Surgery of the Knee President’s medal. He has published many research articles and book chapters on knee surgery and received awards both nationally and
internationally for knee research. His other roles include: member of the Arthroscopy committee for ESSKA (European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy), member of the ESSKA Collateral ligaments Working Group and member of the prestigious international ACL Study Group (of which there have been only 10 surgeons elected from the UK). He is a reviewer for the American Journal of Sports Medicine, and on the steering committee for the UK National Ligament registry – improving best practices by constant analysis of knee ligament reconstruction outcomes. James undertook his orthopaedic training in London where he was also Clinical Research Fellow in Sports
Trauma Surgery at the Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine. Here he published his thesis on knee ligament injuries and was awarded a Master of Surgery degree by the University of London. Following
this he spent a year’s fellowship in Bordeaux at the ‘Clinique du Sport’ (an institution consistently rated as France’s pre-eminent sports medicine clinic). He was trained in the latest techniques in arthroscopic
(“Key-hole”) surgery, including Anatomic ‘Double-bundle’ Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction.
In France he became proficient in the use of computer-assisted surgery (CAS) for knee reconstruction and replacement, making him now one of very few UK based surgeons trained in computer-assisted ACL
reconstruction. He spent a further six month’s fellowship in the UK specialising in partial (unicompartmental)
knee replacement. Recently he undertook an 18-month sabbatical in the United Arab Emirates where he developed a meniscal transplant service and looked after many patients with complex knee problems.
James acts as a consultant to several orthopaedic industry companies and has developed surgical techniques and instruments to assist knee ligament reconstructions, cartilage treatment, meniscal repair and partial
knee replacements.
James has a keen sporting interest and previously captained his university cricket side. He remains a keen golfer, tennis player and in the winter enjoys ski-mountaineering. During his fellowship in Bordeaux it was
difficult not to develop an interest in wine! He lives with his family in a small village outside Bristol
Prof Túlio Campos
Brazil SAKS
Adjunct Professor – Federal University of Minas Gerais – Brazil. Knee, trauma and lower limb reconstruction specialist. Practice focuses on complex cases, complications, soft tissue reconstruction and orthopaedic infection.
Dr Florian Imhoff
Switzerland, SAKS
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Florian B. Imhoff
Consultant, Orthopaedic Surgeon, specialized in Knee, Foot & Ankle, Sports Medicine
Basel, Switzerland
Dr. Florian Imhoff is a swiss-german orthopaedic surgeon specialized in knee surgery and sports medicine. He currently works at the Rennbahnklinik in Basel, Switzerland, as a consultant. He is member of several specialty societies such as the AGA and ESSKA, and the German Knee Society.
After his residency in trauma surgery and general orthopaedics starting in 2011, he completed a one year research fellowship in the translational and biomechanics lab at the Musculoskeletal Institute, University of Connecticut Health Center in Connecticut, USA (Professor Robert Arciero, Professor Augustus Mazzocca) 2017. By then, he developed a biomechanical testing model to evaluate the influence of bony malformities, corrective osteotomy and ligamentous insufficiencies. Moreover, he developed a 3D modeling system to predict torsional as well as angular correction of femoral torsion osteotomies in correcting deformities of the distal femur. He developed a 3D planning module for derotational osteotomies of the leg and a new patellofemoral measuring tool within a dicom planning application.
In 2019, he finished his post-doctoral habilitation at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, and received the professor’s teaching diploma (privat-dozent, PD) of the University. In the last years he worked at the prestigious Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, as a consultant. He has presented many scientific studies focusing on ACL and peripheral knee structures. His overall publication legacy is extraordinary. Furthermore, he has received several awards among them the Caspari Award from ISAKOS or the Alwin Jäger Award from AGA. In addition, he serves as reviewer for several high-impact orthopaedic journals.
Mr Jamie Ferguson
Mr. Jamie Ferguson is as a Limb Reconstruction Consultant based in the Bone Infection Unit at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford, UK.
Here he works as part of a multidisciplinary team managing complex
bone infection of various aetiologies, including haematogenous osteomyelitis, fracture related infection, and infected non-union. The Bone Infection Unit is unique in the UK as it includes a dedicated inpatient ward, admitting cases with bone infection from across the country. The ethos of the unit is to aim to undertake single stage infection surgery, often including orthoplastic reconstruction as a single operation.
He trained in Leicester and undertook surgical training in Manchester and Oxford and spent a year at the Beit Cure International Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi. He was awarded the Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society 2018 Fellowship.
His main areas of interest include the management of complex long bone infection, fracture related infection diagnosis and treatment, and the management of segmental bone defects. His research interests include
Ilizarov limb reconstruction techniques in bone infection, dead space management in osteomyelitis, local antibiotic carriers, and the diagnosis of fracture-related infection.
He previously worked in the Major Trauma Centre at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. He continues to support a multidisciplinary team meeting for the discussion of cases suspected of having fracture related infection in the trauma department.
Dr Andrew Johnston
New Zealand, SOLS
Andy is an Orthopaedic Surgeon and Orthopaedic Oncologist in Auckland New Zealand. He is a core member of the North Island sarcoma service and founder and Chair of the Sarcoma Foundation New Zealand, a charity set up to support patients and families dealing with sarcoma.
Andy is originally from Scotland and received his orthopaedic training in New Zealand. He further pursued a fellowship in orthopaedic oncology at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in London and served as a consultant there for two years, during which time he was the clinical lead for the 2 week wait improvement process. After returning to New Zealand, Andy lead the successful Auckland City Hospital bid for the North Island sarcoma service, and sits on the Australia New Zealand Sarcoma association scientific advisory
committee. Andy is passionate about enhancing patient outcomes and improving healthcare services.
When not working Andy enjoys spending time with his wife Shelley and three children Arabella, Rowan and Ossian.