Stand space sales will go live on Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 10h00 GMT+2 on the SAOA website.
The link to book a stand will only become active at 10h00 on Wednesday 12 March 2025 and will not be available prior to this.
You will be required to register online at this time and request your first, second and third choice of exhibition stands and sponsorship options.
Diamond Sponsors still need to register online on 12 March 2025 to confirm the spaces which have been reserved for you.
Please note that if first options are not available, we will endeavour to allocate your second or third option, but final trade space and positioning is at the discretion of the SAOA 2025 organising committee.
The exhibition secretariat (ICE Solution) will confirm in writing the stand/s allocated and an invoice for the due amount will be sent to you in duecourse for your records. Only once payment is received will your stand/s be confirmed. The exhibitor is to please send the secretariat (ICE Solution) a confirmation (proof) of payment. (Please include the date of payment; the method of payment and bank reference numbers if applicable).
Exhibitors should be aware that if there is a long interval between the dates that they indicate their preferred choices, and the receipt of payment, their preferred stand/s may have been reserved and paid for by another exhibitor. However, the secretariat (ICE Solution) undertakes to stay in close communication with all exhibitors during this process and to keep them informed of the continued availability or unavailability of their chosen stand/s.
When selecting your choice of stand/s please keep in mind that you will be required to close/ seal the back and or sides of your stands so as not to negatively affect the stand/s which may not have a built structure alongside you. Please ensure that your stand builders are informed of this so as not to have any situations onsite where they claim to not be aware of this.